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Community Resilience Initiative Trauma

In CRI's Trauma-Informed certification, we will provide information about identifying and responding to trauma with evidence-based resilience strategies when working with an audience whose trauma history may not be known. This is a 6-8 hour training. 

Hope Champion

In the Hope Champions learning opportunity, you will learn to define hope, measure hope in yourself and others, and apply hope science to your work with youth and families.  This is a 4-6 hour training.

Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE)

This learning opportunity will teach you about type 1 and type 2 thinking and discuss judgment.  We will identify positive experiences and the data supporting the importance of providing them. We will discuss the HOPE framework and its four evidence-based building blocks and where they are evident or lacking in your community.   This is a 4 hour training.

Connections Matter

In Connections Matter, you will build a common language around Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), trauma, and resilience.  There will be conversations about the impact of ACEs, trauma on adults and the community. resilience, and understand the impact of relationships on your community.  This can be a 2 hour or 4 hour training.  

Online Safety Training

This learning opportunity will present the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s materials targeting online safety. The training empowers parents, caregivers, and those who care about kids to engage in regular, age-appropriate conversations with youth about benefits, risks, and what to do if something happens online. The training includes resources and information from The National Center for Missing and Endangered Children (NCMEC) and other helpful resources, including discussion guides, tip sheets, and resources to research different apps or platforms children may be using.

Question, Persuade. Refer

The goal of gatekeeper training is straightforward: to enhance the probability that a potentially suicidal person is identified and referred for assessment and care before an adverse event occurs. As a population-based approach, the greater the percentage of
the members of a given community who are trained to successfully recognize and refer its suicidal members, the fewer suicide-related adverse events should occur.

Paper Tigers Screening

Paper Tigers depicts the dramatic transformation in troubled teens when the school staff incorporates the ACE Studies findings into their education and support services.  The documentary will be viewed followed by a guided discussion. 

What Happened to You by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey online book study.

This book study will have a reading guide and group discussions on how our past affects our present.   

We Can Exhibit

Description coming soon


Please let us know what you are looking for and we can see if we are able to meet your needs.  

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