December 2023
Growth Mindset
When it comes to our overall health system, it pertains to more than just physical and dental health. Mental well-being is an essential part of this system as well.

Carol Dweck has been studying Growth Mindset for more than twenty years. Dweck’s research has shown that mindset plays a significant role in whether one is successful or not. This research points to two types of mindsets: fixed and growth. A fixed mindset is believing your qualities, such as intelligence, are not changeable. A growth mindset is thinking qualities are changeable, and with hard work and effort, you can do so. Dweck has found a growth mindset to be a link to success in several areas of life.
October 2023
Social Emotional Competence in Children
Social-emotional competence is a critical aspect of a child's development. It is a protective factor that refers

to recognizing, understanding, and managing emotions effectively. Children who possess social-emotional competence are better equipped to deal with challenges, form healthy relationships, and thrive in their personal and academic lives. It is, therefore, essential for parents to support the development of these skills in children. Parents can help develop these skills by teaching, modeling, and providing opportunities for social interactions to practice them.
November 2023
Mental Well-Being
When it comes to our overall health system, it pertains to more than just physical and dental health. Mental well-being is an essential part of this system as well.
Maintaining good mental well-being is crucial for a happy and fulfilling life. It is about how we respond to the good and the bad in life, our sense of self, and our ability to meet our potential. Mental well-being includes our emotional, cognitive, and social well-being. Basically, it's about how we think, feel, and interact with others. Good mental wellbeing allows us to cope with stress, build strong relationships, and achieve our goals.
July 2023
Parenting and Child Development
It is essential that parents and caregivers in our community have a strong knowledge of child development and parenting techniques.

By having a solid understanding of children’s developmental milestones and what to expect at each stage, parents and caregivers are better equipped to identify potential delays or concerns and seek appropriate support. Additionally, being aware of effective communication strategies, positive discipline approaches, and ways to promote a child's social-emotional development contributes to a healthy and secure family dynamic.